Tuesday 9 March 2010

YouTube: Il Partit Nazzjonalista u d drittijiet ta' persuni gay


Għal darb'oħra Lawrence Gonzi jerġa' jirrifjuta milli jgħid il-verita' dwar kif ivvutaw il-membri Nazzjonalisti fil-Parlament Ewropew fejn jidħlu d-drittijiet tal-minoranzi u ta' persuni omosesswali. L-aġir kundannabbli taż-żewġ MEP's Nazzjonalisti qed ibeżża' lil Gonzi li daharu mal-ħajt quddiem din is-sitwazzjoni, m'għandu xejn x'jagħmel ħlief jippersisti fil-Gideb.

1 comment:

  1. frank sammutApril 13, 2010

    It is time to stand up for our rights, come election time, have a good think and vote for the party that is willing to support you and not that still condemns you or feels threatened by you. Listen to what Joseph Muscat had to say on Lou Bondi’s interview March 10: If Labour is elected, same sex couples and defacto couples in Malta, will have equal rights like straight married couples. Vote with your heart and your freedom and not just your pocket. Your rights come first, before anything that the church or Gonzi may say. We are good human beings, there is nothing wrong with us, what is wrong is with them, they discriminate. It is now time in Malta a for change and most of all acceptances and no more discrimination.
    Frank Sammut
