Tuesday 26 May 2009

MaltaStar: Gay rights: MEPs should be judged on their voting record – LGBT network

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25.5.9 by Daniel Jose Micallef

The LGBT Network of the Labour Youth Forum (FZL) said that MEPs should be judged on their voting record in the European Parliament.

The FZL said that the Nationalist party has an abysmal voting record when it came to gay rights. Nationalist MEPs candidates abstained or voted against when it came to extending or safeguarding gay rights in the European Parliament.

In 2007 David Casa abstained in a vote on a resolution, which condemned homophobia on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual community. Simon Busuttil went a step further, when in 2006 he voted against a resolution against violence on the gay community.

Moreover, the Nationalist MEPs voted against or abstained on four other resolutions on gay rights, namely, the Catania, Buitenweg, Lynne and Zdonka reports.

The FZL also noted that that no PN candidate has yet signed the ILGE petition. The youth network also said that the LGBT community should keep in mind those who have always been consistent on gay rights.

[Click on the hyperlink at the top to view the comments on MaltaStar's website.]

Interesting comment on the MaltaStar website:
martin borg - 26 May 2009 06:28

Gays should keep in mind that it was a labour government throught the turbulent times of the 70s who decriminalised homosexuality and homosexual acts in private.

It was a labour government who broke down the doors for thse people to come out of their closets.

It is time you showed some appreciation.


It-track record tal-PN fir-rigward ta’ nies LGBT u id-drittijiethom xejn mhu tajjeb

Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti

• L-LGBT Network tal-Forum Zghazagh Laburisti temmen li l-MEPs kollha ghandhom jigu ggudikati fuq ir-rizultati li kisbu u/jew kif ivvotaw tul dawn l-ahhar 5 snin. Sfortunatament it-track record tal-PN ma tantx huwa wiehed tajjeb fir-rigward ta’ nies LGBT u d-drittijiet taghhom.

Lil hinn mill-paroli ta’ qabel l-elezzjonijiet ir-rizultati juru li l-MEPs tal-PN huma li dawn astjenew u sahansitra ivvutaw kontra diversi rapporti u rizoluzzjonijiet dwar nies LGBT! Fl-2006 kif ukoll fl-2007 David Casa hasel idejh minn rizoluzzjonijiet li kkundannaw l-omofobija u l-vjolenza kontra nies LGBT waqt li Simon Busuttil mar pass iktar u ivvota kontra ir-rizoluzzjoni ta l-2006 li trattat il-vjolenza kontra nies gay.

Aparti minn hekk, iz-zewg MEPs Nazzjonalisti astjenew u/jew vvutaw kontra 4 rapporti ohra li ttrattaw nies LGBT jigifieri ir-rapporti "Catania", "Buitenweg", "Lynne" u "Zdonaka".
LGBT network b'dispjacir innota ukoll li lanqas wiehed mill-kandidati tal-PN ma ffirma il-pledge li qieghda taghmel l-ILGA Europe fejn qieghda titlob lill-kandidati ghall-elezzjonijiet tal-PE biex jweghdu li jahdmu kontra vjolenza fuq nies gay kif ukoll li jaraw li l-ebda pajjiz fl-UE kif ukoll gar taghha ma jikser drittijiet fundamentali tal-bniedem u li jirrigwardaw lil nies LGBT b'mod specifiku.

L-LGBT Network qieghed iheggeg lil peersuni LGBT biex izommu quddiem ghajnejhom dawn ir-rizultati meta fis-sitta ta' gunju jitfghu il-vot taghhom ghal dawk li jixtiequ li jirraprezentawhom fl-UE, b'hekk biss jistghu jassiguraw li d-drittijiet ta nies gay ma jigux minsijin u mitfughin f'xi kexxun sakemm tasal l-elezzjoni li jmiss!


Independent: PL youths rubbish PN’s record on sexuality


The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Network of the Labour Youths, commenting on a meeting between Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil and the Malta Gay Rights Movement, said MEPs should be judged on their record, and unfortunately the PN’s track record in LGBT and their rights was not a good one.

Ignoring the rhetoric which precedes elections, the LGBT Network said, the results PN MEPs had at the EP showed they had abstained or voted against various reports and resolutions about LGBT people. In 2006 and 2007 David Casa ignored resolutions condemning homophobia and violence against LGBT people and Simon Busuttil went one better by voting against the 2006 resolution against violence against gays, the Network said.

The two PN MEPs had also abstained or voted against four other reports, “Catania”, “Buitenweg”, “Lynne” and “Zdonaka”, about gays. Neither had any of the PN candidates for the EP election signed the pledge made by ILGA Europe asking EP candidates to promise to work against violence against gay people.

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