Tuesday 3 February 2009

Times: Sexual orientation in itself 'is not a moral disorder'

Tuesday, 3rd February 2009

The Gozo Bishop yesterday stressed that sexual orientation in itself is not a "moral disorder" but abusing this orientation is what goes against moral order.

Mgr Mario Grech issued a statement yesterday to clarify the interpretation that was given to his comments in some media this weekend, which he felt put words in his mouth on the subject of gays and excommunication.

He reiterated that all he said was: "Whoever does not accept Christ's teachings is being honest with himself if he excommunicates himself from the Church."

Mgr Grech said that nowhere in the text did he mention a category of people, or that homosexuals should leave the Church.

His original statement was taken to allude to a recent decision by two gays who excommunicated themselves to protest against the Pope's comments on homosexuality, since it was issued just days after this episode.

His comments were picked up by local and international media who took them to mean that those who reject the Church's teachings on homosexuality should leave the Church.

In yesterday's statement, Mgr Grech said the Church is sacred and at the same time in constant need of purification.

"Within its fold there are sinners, who in their journey to discover true love, open their hearts to the Word of Christ and pray every day for God's mercy," he said.

Consequently, who was prepared to embrace the Good News, and be open to conversion, was never excluded from the Church, even if his weakness made this process long and difficult.

"This also counts for those with a homosexual orientation. We need to welcome them with respect, love and sensitivity. They are called to execute God's will. If they are Christian, they should reconcile the difficulties they face because of their situation with Christ's cross," Mgr Grech said.

Complete Press Release in Maltese:

2.2.9; Dikjarazzjoni tal-Isqof Grech

Kuntrarjament għal dak li f’dawn l-aħħar jiem uħud mill-midja irrapportaw li qal l-Isqof Mario Grech dwar il-persuni omosesswali, b’rispett lejn is-sewwa u lejn l-istess persuni li għandhom dan l-orjentament, l-Isqof Grech jikkomunika li fl-omelija li għaliha saret referenza, huwa qal biss: “il-fatt li l-Knisja tagħna ma tibqax waħda tal-massa imma ssir minoranza, ma għandux itaqqal il-qalb. Billi ftit melħ huwa biżżejjed biex jagħti t-togħma, huwa importanti li l-melħ ma jkunx maqtugħ! Min ma jaċċettax it-tagħlim ta’ Kristu, ikun koerenti miegħu nnifsu jekk jiskomunika lilu nnifsu mill-Knisja.”

F’din l-omelija l-Isqof Grech ma semma ebda kategorija ta’ persuni; hu qatt ma semma l-persuni omosesswali, u inqas u inqas li l-omosesswali għandhom jitilqu mill-Knisja.

L-orjentament sesswali fih innifsu qatt ma hu diżordni morali; huwa l-użu ħażin ta’ dan l-orjentament li jmur kontra l-ordni morali.

Min jaf x’inhi l-Knisja, jaf li hi qaddisa u fl-istess ħin fi ħtieġa kontinwa ta’ purifikazzjoni. Fi ħdanha hemm il-midinbin li, għax jixtiequ jiskopru l-imħabba vera, jiftħu qalbhom għall-Kelma ta’ Kristu u kuljum jitolbu l-ħniena ta’ Alla.

Għalhekk, min huwa lest li jilqa’ l-Bxara t-Tajba, iżomm lil Kristu bħala Feddej tiegħu u huwa miftuħ għall-konverżjoni, u qatt mhuwa eskluż mill-Knisja, anke jekk id-dgħufija tiegħu, tkun xi tkun l-għamla tagħha, tagħmel dan il-proċess twil u diffiċli.

Dan jgħodd ukoll għall-persuni b’orjentament omosesswali. Lilhom ukoll għandna nilqgħuhom b’rispett, imħabba u delikatezza. Huma msejħa biex jagħmlu r-rieda t’Alla f’ħajjithom; jekk huma Nsara, għandhom jgħaqqdu d-diffikultajiet li jiltaqgħu magħhom minħabba l-qagħda tagħhom mas-salib glorjuż ta’ Kristu.

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